Main Ideas

Coming Up

Lecture Notes and Exercises

In addition to the tidyverse, we will use the stringr package.

## Warning in system("timedatectl", intern = TRUE): running command 'timedatectl'
## had status 1

stringr provides tools to work with character strings. Functions in stringr have consistent, memorable names.


Character strings in R are defined by double quotation marks. These can include numbers, letters, punctation, whitespace, etc.

string1 <- "STA 199 is my favorite class"
## [1] "STA 199 is my favorite class"

You can combine character strings in a vector.

string2 <- c("STA 199", "Data Science", "Duke")
## [1] "STA 199"      "Data Science" "Duke"

Question: What if we want to include a quotation in a string? Why doesn’t the code below work?

string3 <- "I said "Hello" to my class"

To include a double quote in a string escape it using a backslash. Try it now in the code chunk below and name your string string4.

string4 <- "I said \"Hello\" to my class"

If you want to include an actual backslash, escape it as shown below. This may seem tedious but it will be important later.

string5 <- "\\"

The function writeLines() shows the content of the strings not including escapes. Try it for string1, string2, string3, string4, and string5 in the code chunk below.

U.S. States

To demonstrate the basic functions from stringr we will use a vector of all 50 U.S. states.

states <- c("alabama", "alaska", "arizona", "arkansas", "california", 
            "colorado", "connecticut", "delaware", "florida", "georgia", 
            "hawaii", "idaho", "illinois", "indiana", "iowa", "kansas", 
            "kentucky", "louisiana", "maine", "maryland", "massachusetts", 
            "michigan", "minnesota", "mississippi", "missouri", "montana", 
            "nebraska", "nevada", "new hampshire", "new jersey", 
            "new mexico", "new york", "north carolina", "north dakota", "ohio", 
            "oklahoma", "oregon", "pennsylvania", "rhode island",
            "south carolina", "south dakota", "tennessee", "texas", "utah", 
            "vermont", "virginia", "washington", "west virginia", "wisconsin",


Given a string, return the number of characters.

## [1] "STA 199 is my favorite class"
## [1] 28

Given a vector of strings, return the number of characters in each string.

##  [1]  7  6  7  8 10  8 11  8  7  7  6  5  8  7  4  6  8  9  5  8 13  8  9 11  8
## [26]  7  8  6 13 10 10  8 14 12  4  8  6 12 12 14 12  9  5  4  7  8 10 13  9  7


Combine two (or more) strings.

str_c("STA 199", "is", "my", "favorite", "class")
## [1] "STA 199ismyfavoriteclass"

Use sep to specify how the strings are separated.

str_c("STA 199", "is", "my", "favorite", "class", sep = " ")
## [1] "STA 199 is my favorite class"

str_to_lower() and str_to_upper()

Convert the case of a string from lower to upper or vice versa.

##  [1] "ALABAMA"        "ALASKA"         "ARIZONA"        "ARKANSAS"      
##  [5] "CALIFORNIA"     "COLORADO"       "CONNECTICUT"    "DELAWARE"      
##  [9] "FLORIDA"        "GEORGIA"        "HAWAII"         "IDAHO"         
## [13] "ILLINOIS"       "INDIANA"        "IOWA"           "KANSAS"        
## [17] "KENTUCKY"       "LOUISIANA"      "MAINE"          "MARYLAND"      
## [25] "MISSOURI"       "MONTANA"        "NEBRASKA"       "NEVADA"        
## [29] "NEW HAMPSHIRE"  "NEW JERSEY"     "NEW MEXICO"     "NEW YORK"      
## [33] "NORTH CAROLINA" "NORTH DAKOTA"   "OHIO"           "OKLAHOMA"      
## [41] "SOUTH DAKOTA"   "TENNESSEE"      "TEXAS"          "UTAH"          
## [45] "VERMONT"        "VIRGINIA"       "WASHINGTON"     "WEST VIRGINIA" 
## [49] "WISCONSIN"      "WYOMING"


Extract parts of a string from start to end, inclusive.

str_sub(states, 1, 4)
##  [1] "alab" "alas" "ariz" "arka" "cali" "colo" "conn" "dela" "flor" "geor"
## [11] "hawa" "idah" "illi" "indi" "iowa" "kans" "kent" "loui" "main" "mary"
## [21] "mass" "mich" "minn" "miss" "miss" "mont" "nebr" "neva" "new " "new "
## [31] "new " "new " "nort" "nort" "ohio" "okla" "oreg" "penn" "rhod" "sout"
## [41] "sout" "tenn" "texa" "utah" "verm" "virg" "wash" "west" "wisc" "wyom"
str_sub(states, -4, -1)
##  [1] "bama" "aska" "zona" "nsas" "rnia" "rado" "icut" "ware" "rida" "rgia"
## [11] "waii" "daho" "nois" "iana" "iowa" "nsas" "ucky" "iana" "aine" "land"
## [21] "etts" "igan" "sota" "ippi" "ouri" "tana" "aska" "vada" "hire" "rsey"
## [31] "xico" "york" "lina" "kota" "ohio" "homa" "egon" "ania" "land" "lina"
## [41] "kota" "ssee" "exas" "utah" "mont" "inia" "gton" "inia" "nsin" "ming"

Practice: Combine str_sub() and str_to_upper() to capitalize each state.

str_sub(states, 1, 1) <- str_to_upper(str_sub(states, 1, 1))
##  [1] "Alabama"        "Alaska"         "Arizona"        "Arkansas"      
##  [5] "California"     "Colorado"       "Connecticut"    "Delaware"      
##  [9] "Florida"        "Georgia"        "Hawaii"         "Idaho"         
## [13] "Illinois"       "Indiana"        "Iowa"           "Kansas"        
## [17] "Kentucky"       "Louisiana"      "Maine"          "Maryland"      
## [21] "Massachusetts"  "Michigan"       "Minnesota"      "Mississippi"   
## [25] "Missouri"       "Montana"        "Nebraska"       "Nevada"        
## [29] "New hampshire"  "New jersey"     "New mexico"     "New york"      
## [33] "North carolina" "North dakota"   "Ohio"           "Oklahoma"      
## [37] "Oregon"         "Pennsylvania"   "Rhode island"   "South carolina"
## [41] "South dakota"   "Tennessee"      "Texas"          "Utah"          
## [45] "Vermont"        "Virginia"       "Washington"     "West virginia" 
## [49] "Wisconsin"      "Wyoming"
##  [1] "ALABAMA"        "ALASKA"         "ARIZONA"        "ARKANSAS"      
##  [5] "CALIFORNIA"     "COLORADO"       "CONNECTICUT"    "DELAWARE"      
##  [9] "FLORIDA"        "GEORGIA"        "HAWAII"         "IDAHO"         
## [13] "ILLINOIS"       "INDIANA"        "IOWA"           "KANSAS"        
## [17] "KENTUCKY"       "LOUISIANA"      "MAINE"          "MARYLAND"      
## [25] "MISSOURI"       "MONTANA"        "NEBRASKA"       "NEVADA"        
## [29] "NEW HAMPSHIRE"  "NEW JERSEY"     "NEW MEXICO"     "NEW YORK"      
## [33] "NORTH CAROLINA" "NORTH DAKOTA"   "OHIO"           "OKLAHOMA"      
## [41] "SOUTH DAKOTA"   "TENNESSEE"      "TEXAS"          "UTAH"          
## [45] "VERMONT"        "VIRGINIA"       "WASHINGTON"     "WEST VIRGINIA" 
## [49] "WISCONSIN"      "WYOMING"


Sort a string. Below we sort in decreasing alphabetical order.

str_sort(states, decreasing = TRUE)
##  [1] "Wyoming"        "Wisconsin"      "West virginia"  "Washington"    
##  [5] "Virginia"       "Vermont"        "Utah"           "Texas"         
##  [9] "Tennessee"      "South dakota"   "South carolina" "Rhode island"  
## [13] "Pennsylvania"   "Oregon"         "Oklahoma"       "Ohio"          
## [17] "North dakota"   "North carolina" "New york"       "New mexico"    
## [21] "New jersey"     "New hampshire"  "Nevada"         "Nebraska"      
## [25] "Montana"        "Missouri"       "Mississippi"    "Minnesota"     
## [29] "Michigan"       "Massachusetts"  "Maryland"       "Maine"         
## [33] "Louisiana"      "Kentucky"       "Kansas"         "Iowa"          
## [37] "Indiana"        "Illinois"       "Idaho"          "Hawaii"        
## [41] "Georgia"        "Florida"        "Delaware"       "Connecticut"   
## [45] "Colorado"       "California"     "Arkansas"       "Arizona"       
## [49] "Alaska"         "Alabama"

Regular Expressions

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that allows you to describe string patterns. We use them to search for patterns.

Examples of usage include the following data science tasks:

To demonstrate regular expressions, we will use a vector of the states bordering North Carolina.

nc_states <- c("North Carolina", "South Carolina", "Virginia", "Tennessee", 

Basic Match

We can match exactly using a basic match.

str_view_all(nc_states, "in")

We can match any character using .

str_view_all(nc_states, ".a")

Question: What if we want to match a period .?

Escape it using \.

Another example using escapes:

str_view(c("a.c", "abc", "def"), "a\\.c")


Match the start of a string using ^.

str_view(nc_states, "^G")

Match the end of a string using $.

str_view(nc_states, "a$")


Determine if a character vector matches a pattern.

## [1] "North Carolina" "South Carolina" "Virginia"       "Tennessee"     
## [5] "Georgia"
str_detect(nc_states, "a")


## [1] "North Carolina" "South Carolina" "Virginia"       "Tennessee"     
## [5] "Georgia"
str_subset(nc_states, "e$")
## [1] "Tennessee"


Determine how many matches there are in a string.

## [1] "North Carolina" "South Carolina" "Virginia"       "Tennessee"     
## [5] "Georgia"
str_count(nc_states, "a")
## [1] 2 2 1 0 1

str_replace() and str_replace_all()

Replace matches with new strings.

str_replace(nc_states, "a", "-")
## [1] "North C-rolina" "South C-rolina" "Virgini-"       "Tennessee"     
## [5] "Georgi-"

Use str_replace_all() to replace all matches with new strings.

str_replace_all(nc_states, "a", "-")
## [1] "North C-rolin-" "South C-rolin-" "Virgini-"       "Tennessee"     
## [5] "Georgi-"

Many Matches

The regular expressions below match more than one character.

  • Match any digit using \d or [[:digit:]]
  • Match any whitespace using \s or [[:space:]]
  • Match f, g, or h using [fgh]
  • Match anything but f, g, or h using [^fgh]
  • Match lower-case letters using [a-z] or [[:lower:]]
  • Match upper-case letters using [A-Z] or [[:upper:]]
  • Match alphabetic characters using [A-z] or [[:alpha:]]

Remember these are regular expressions! To match digits you’ll need to escape the , so use “\d”, not “


To practice manipulating strings we will use question and answer data from two recent seasons (2008 - 2009) of the television game show Jeopardy!.

jeopardy <- read_csv("questions.csv")
## Rows: 40,865
## Columns: 5
## $ category <chr> "OLD FOLKS IN THEIR 30s", "MOVIES & TV", "A STATE OF COLLEGE-…
## $ value    <dbl> 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 6…
## $ question <chr> " is a lifestyles website from this Oscar-winning act…
## $ answer   <chr> "Gwyneth Paltrow", "Jay Leno", "Texas", "a pride", "a bunny h…
## $ year     <dbl> 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2…
  1. Use a single code pipeline and a function from stringr to return all rows where the answer contains the word “Durham”
jeopardy %>% 
  filter(str_detect(answer, "Durham"))
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   category        value question                                answer      year
##   <chr>           <dbl> <chr>                                   <chr>      <dbl>
## 1 BULL             2000 "\"Bull City\", this place's nickname,… Durham      2009
## 2 BASEBRAWL        1000 "In 1995 10 players were ejected for a… the Durha…  2009
## 3 MOVIES BY QUOTE   800 "Crash: \"Man, that ball got out of he… Bull Durh…  2009
  1. Use a single code pipeline and stringr to find the length of all of the answers, sort by decreasing length, and return the five longest answers.
jeopardy %>% 
  mutate(answer_length = str_length(answer)) %>%
  arrange(desc(answer_length)) %>%
  select(answer, answer_length) %>% 
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   answer                                                           answer_length
##   <chr>                                                                    <int>
## 1 a microphone & the masks of comedy & tragedy (a TV set, a movie…            86
## 2 hiding your light under a bushel (keeping your light underneath…            82
## 3 International Talk Like a Pirate Day (National Talk Like a Pira…            79
## 4 (any of) the (St. Louis) Rams, the Oakland Raiders, or the San …            77
## 5 to take the number that's between 3 and 5 (averaging the 2 midd…            74
  1. What answer has the most digits?
jeopardy %>% 
  mutate(answer_digits = str_count(answer, "\\d")) %>%
  arrange(desc(answer_digits)) %>%
  select(answer, answer_digits) %>%
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   answer         answer_digits
##   <chr>                  <int>
## 1 1939 (or 1942)             8
## 2 1952 & 1956                8
## 3 867-5309                   7
  1. Return all rows where the category has a period.
jeopardy %>%
  filter(str_detect(category, "\\."))
## # A tibble: 1,249 × 5
##    category           value question                            answer      year
##    <chr>              <dbl> <chr>                               <chr>      <dbl>
##  1 I LOVE L.A. KERS     400 "Kobe called it \"idiotic criticis… Shaquille…  2009
##  2 I LOVE L.A. KERS     800 "A wizard at passing the ball, thi… Magic Joh…  2009
##  3 I LOVE L.A. KERS    1200 "This Laker giant was nicknamed \"… Wilt Cham…  2009
##  4 I LOVE L.A. KERS    1600 "This Hall-of-Fame guard & former … Jerry West  2009
##  5 I LOVE L.A. KERS    2000 "This flashy Lakers forward was ni… James Wor…  2009
##  6 IT'S AN L.A. THING   200 "Wanna live in this city, 90210? i… Beverly H…  2009
##  7 IT'S AN L.A. THING   400 "Originally the letters in this la… the Holly…  2009
##  8 IT'S AN L.A. THING   600 "Good times are Bruin in this dist… Westwood    2009
##  9 IT'S AN L.A. THING   800 "You can hit the Comedy Store, Hou… Sunset St…  2009
## 10 IT'S AN L.A. THING  1000 "Originally called \"Nuestro Puebl… the Watts…  2009
## # … with 1,239 more rows
  1. Using a single code pipeline, return all rows where the question contains a (numeric) year between 1800 and 1999
jeopardy %>%
  filter(str_detect(question, "1[89]\\d\\d")) %>%
## # A tibble: 6,749 × 1
##    question                                                                     
##    <chr>                                                                        
##  1 "During the War Of 1812, this \"Rip Van Winkle\" author wrote biographies of…
##  2 "(<a href=\"\" target=\"_…
##  3 "He reviewed films & TV for the New Republic before his first book, \"Goodby…
##  4 "While he was in Spain in 1959, he wrote \"The Dangerous Summer\", a story a…
##  5 "In 1884 she moved to Red Cloud, Nebraska & later fictionalized it as the to…
##  6 "1980: \"Regular Folks\""                                                    
##  7 "In 1986 Mexico scored as the first country to host this international sport…
##  8 "1932: \"Magnificent Inn\""                                                  
##  9 "1976: \"A Single Colorado Mountain\""                                       
## 10 "1954: \"Dockside\""                                                         
## # … with 6,739 more rows
  1. Using a single code pipeline, return all rows with answers that begin with three vowels.
jeopardy %>%
  filter(str_detect(answer, "^[AEIOUaeiou][AEIOUaeiou][AEIOUaeiou]")) %>%
## # A tibble: 7 × 1
##   answer   
##   <chr>    
## 1 Ouija    
## 2 AAA      
## 3 Aeolus   
## 4 Aeon Flux
## 5 Aeolus   
## 6 aioli    
## 7 Ouija